Thursday, April 2, 2009

"Almost Perfect Day"

That's what Andrea called it a few minutes ago before she drifted off to sleep. No Nausea and almost no pain until late in the day. We addressed that with a dilaudid, which probably also made her sleepy.

Judy was the only one real visitor today, aside from a brief 15 minute visit by Tammy and Frank before they graciously took Jack to see Monsters vs Aliens. They're not home yet, so I suspect a little food was involved also. I'm glad we worked on his writing assignment last night, because it's due tomorrow. Yes, kindergartners have writing assignments. Last week it was about Spring. This week it's about what kind of car you'd like, where you'd go, who and what you'd take with you.

I forgot to mention that I went to an interesting store yesterday while Joyce stayed with Andrea. It's a Habitat for Humaity "Restore", featuring used and new/donated building materials and furnishings. I got a set of nicely painted windows in great condition for our garage for $30. I'll have to paint them white (eventually) and buy a set of hinges, but I'm thrilled. Plus I have an outlet for things that I sometimes replace from client's houses and full cans of paint, of which I probably have a few
"Mistakes". Anyway, 770 N. Fair Oaks in Pasadena if you're local.

What else?....Happy Birthday Barb McD in Santa Barbara.



  1. What a wonderful B-day gift, A call from Andrea and a talk about Harriet making me my 1st brisket??(I am holding you to it Harriet...) Truly the best gift I could receive on my special day...the voice of Andrea so excited that she got the date right and the pleasure of hearing that smile on her face. Thanks for making my day "A".
    And Stan, after a great foodie B-day dinner thinking about how I wished Andrea and you could be here in S.B. to enjoy it, I read your blog and you wish me happy b-day— yes the perfect day all around, what a simple wonderful gift, a good day. Love to you all, b

  2. How lovely, that's all I can say. Thank you for allowing us into your almost perfect day. Geez, that rhymes!

    Love all round,

  3. It's so good to hear about a good day. I am riveted to this blog. Stan you get an A and I hope Jack does too on his writing assignment. When does he start his blog?
    Love to Andrea and tell her "Hold me back, I am a Tiger!" I hope it still makes her laugh.

  4. It still makes ME laugh Gary! Happy birthday Barb - doesn't get better than that - a call from Andrea. Who never forgets. Unbelievable, to coin an Andrea...
    Andrea, your namesake sends big woo woo eyes.
