Saturday, April 11, 2009

Post Post Mortem

Hello, Again.

I don't have information on the memorial service just yet because Unitarian church personnel have Good Friday and the weekend off. Check back on Monday afternoon for those details.

In talking with Dianne Kelly a few minutes ago, however, I realized that it was a mistake to have stopped posting. Lots of people want to know how Jack and I are doing, as well as Steph, Harriet, Olivia and Joyce. The answer is "Okay".
We've all had some time to cry, and will no doubt cry again, but we no one is breaking down. If they are, it's happening away from my presence and I am none the wiser. Jack has gone from asking where Mommy is to "when can we get a new Mommy"? He is outwardly unfazed, but at one point last night he said he missed Mommy. I told him "we all do" and had a brief dialog on the subject, then we went on to Legos or something else. I'm sure everyone has had some private crying time, but life does not stop. Today we sorted through Andrea's closet and drawers. I'm happy, and I'm sure Andrea would be too, to see a bunch of things go to Steph and Olivia. Harriet got a few things, as well, and Joyce wants to save a few Patagonia things when we go through the garage closets tomorrow. I took 26 garbage bags of clothes and shoes to the YWCA women's shelter store today. When the clerk saw how much stuff I had, she said "we're closed". I'm embarrassed that there is more to come, and that we have been making regular donations every few months anyway. Our Dear Andrea did not have many flaws, and I don't wish to alienate scores of female readers, but...well, draw from this what lesson you will.

I am doing fine, for the most part, keeping myself together, feeling pretty good about my mental state, talking about Andrea calmly and keeping my composure. Then something trivial sets me off and the next minute I'm not so composed any more. But I do recover fast and soon I'm calm and collected again. There's lots to keep me busy at the moment, and lots of plans and planning, which is good. We are transitioning from an Andrea-centric existence to I don't know what.

This is just a partial post, but I will add to this as thoughts occur. I'd like to get it online ASAP, so I'll stop here for now.

Thanks again for all the many forms of love sent our way. No more food, though, please. We have enough for a couple weeks now, but more importantly, my health insurance rates will be partly based on my cholesterol levels in a few months, so I need to eat well starting in...oh, two weeks.


  1. oh!! Stan Stan Stan. I cannot tell you how good it is to hear your voice here. 26 bags and counting. Yo. I am impressed. I knew Andrea loved to shop, but- yes, lesson taken. Not that I need it. Shopping is agony for me. Are you packing those bags tight or is there a lot of fluff in there. 26.
    Jack. Ever optimistic. New mommy -- yes, new mommy someday - it's in the cards for guys like you. Maybe even a doggy. Just not a mommy doggy.

    Crying day for me today and thursday. Today I've been the ghost in your house.. walking your rooms, seeing the light pour through the dining room windows. Reliving. Looking for Andrea. Finding her! Seeing Jack and hearing him 'curse' his little computer foes. His little tucked lip smile. Seeing you buzz around the kitchen. Hearing you call Jack honey and sweetheart. Just looking. Waiting, hand outstretched to be of any use to anyone.

    Thanks for continuing the blog. I keep checking from habit and voila! Connection to the only place my heart seems to be. Request: some more pictures of Andrea, you and Jack please? and anyone else you got handy.
    Love you so,

  2. Hi Stan,
    It's a comfort to your loyal readers to hear how you all are doing. Please post Steph & Olivia, Harriet and Joyce's addresses. I'm sure I'm not the only one who would like to send them cards.

    Soldier on my friend. You have to acknowledge what you have been through.I think of Andrea last Saturday asking where you were. She trusted only you to move her and take care of her.

    Right now we're giving you some peace and quiet, but not for long!

    Love, Lynne

  3. Hello Stan,

    Wendy and Lynne said it all for me, and so beautifully. I just want to thank you for continuing to post, it is very good to know how you are doing. I am so very sad about Andrea, I keep thinking about her adorable laugh. And I can't tell you how much I hate the horrid disease. Carry on, I send you, Jack, Steph and all much love.

    Much love,

  4. yes, the addresses would be great! thanks for the update Stan, good to see how you are all doing. I am also guilty of the blog addiction and glad to see this post today. Thinking of you guys watching cartoons and eating all kinds of food around you. Have a restful day. Thinking of you Stan, such a superhero!

  5. I agree with Barb--Stan, you are and have been a superhero! I've never witnessed such love and devotion from one human being to another.
    My address is:
    3530 Fairchild Street
    La Crescenta, CA 91214
    I would like to echo Stan's sentiments, as well, You have all shown such love and devotion to Andrea, and, by extension, to all of us. She commented to me a couple of weeks ago how grateful she was to have been able to recognize that her life has meant so much to others. You all gave her a remarkable gift, one that few of us get the chance to experience.
    So, thanks.

  6. So good to know we can share in the healing process together. Andrea had been more concerned for those she would be leaving behind, than for what she had to face. As we have spent time with Andrea, so have we spent time with all her family. The one is an extension of the other. Our care and concern embraces the whole package. Thank you Stan and Steph for allowing us to be there for you all.

    Interjecting a note of caution here...I am not sure it is safe to post addresses on this blogsite, especially if you will also post the date of the memorial. People have been known to monitor and prey on families.

    Am I being paranoid? Thoughts?

  7. Steph's house will be safe... remember she has FIVE- 96 pound rottweillers, and 1 testy old cat. Oh yea, and don't forget her lumbering gigantic wart covered, club carrying biker boyfriend.

    Eric, will be at the memorial, however. Eric, you did know about Steph's other fella, didn'tcha?

    But yes, Nina, I forgot about that too. I know nieghbors often are called upon to babysit houses. Like people have not already lost enough.

  8. Stan and Jack, Steph and Harriet
    You have all our love and comfort in these trying days. I too think of Andrea all day long and then at funny times - I think that is good, it means she is still with us!

    I'll be there on the 25th and let me know if there is any other way to help (no food!)


  9. she is here everyday! Wendy, okay that was the funniest post! : ) thanks for the laugh!

  10. Stan,

    I am sorry to hear that Andrea has passed. She will be missed. She was a beautiful lady. My thoughts and prayers are with you, Jack and Andrea's family.

    Scott Conway
