Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Memorial Service Thoughts, Notes

I would like to get an idea of how many people would like to speak at Andrea's service, so if you are so inclined, please comment or send me an email. I'm told it can be dangerous to make such requests because some people make long-winded speeches
and the service will drag on for hours. So let's just say that if you have a great, short (3 to 4 minutes) story about Andrea, please share. Once we hit the two hour mark--IF we hit the two hour mark--we shall all cast a jaundiced eye at anyone who cannot realistically expect us to be rolling in the aisles or reaching for our handkerchiefs.

Secondly, if anyone has a great idea for the service, speak up. Maybe you went to a service somewhere and they did something neat. If so, we'd love to incorporate anything fun or Andrea-like.



  1. I would be happy to do a short slideshow of pictures to music if that is something you'd like. Not sure if the church is set up for something like that, but the offer is there if you're interested. Just let me know.

  2. Melinda, this is a wonderful offer. I'd like to send a few photos that are very precious to me, of Andrea. One with Judy, one that Joe keeps in his wallet (for the past 20 years). If you are able to do this - Stan? please post your email. Also, what size, rgb ok, and dpi. Love this idea.

  3. I would like to say something - will keep it short and hopefully something to elicit smiles!


  4. Dear Stan ,
    I heard about the blog relatively late and only now went back to the beginning and read everything in one sitting — your posts, everyone's comments... and it is no less than a saga of the love and laughter that Andrea sowed throughout her life and that bloomed so brightly even as she was fading. Maybe the word “noble” has come to sound corny in today's irreverent world, but it fits her, as it does you and everyone who has been there for you both.

    I just started a job last week up north here, working for Oracle, and it's very intense. I can only think of the work schedule and travel that Andrea handled amidst chemo and cancer...

    I know that Janet will pass along my and Nicole's love at the memorial. We might be down later in the summer.

    My deepest condolences on sweet Andrea's passing.

    Cousin Linda

  5. Stan,

    I would like to speak, briefly and tremulously (275 people?).

    [the other] Shy Di.

  6. Diane, I'll do it if you do it! I know it is going to be difficult but I would like to share a (hopefully amusing) story as well.

  7. Stan, I'd like to say a couple of words. I hope and trust that you and Stef will start us off, perhaps Harriet?

    All my best. I'll check-in over the weekend.

  8. Judy, I've been emailing you.. maybe they don't get to you. Just wanted to say I'm thinking about you a lot, and your long friendship with Andrea.
    It will be good to see everyone Sat. though I know we'll all be thinking, where's Andrea? She would Love this...
    I'd like to read something, if I'm not a total sob sister.
