Friday, April 3, 2009

Friday Night


Just got back from Tee-ball practice, but I wanted to get something posted before getting started on something else.

Well, it's getting almost boring again: Another day for Andrea without pain or nausea or hallucinations. She is, however, getting frustrated with her body. Every movement seems to take its toll, bringing on a shortness of breath despite the oxygen being cranked to the max. Changing tops or bottoms, for instance. Or shifting off her back onto her side. Even lifting a leg onto a pillow requires extra effort and concentration and a period of rest is required before the next move.

I never gave the marinol dose last night because Andrea was sleeping. She seems to have done okay without it, though. We're waiting on some decadron, a steroid that may help Andrea both breathe better and handle nausea. I will administer tonight's bucket o'drugs soon.

Two visits today: Harriet & Joyce and Steph & Olivia. Nurse Linda is very nice but doesn't count for the official tally. I felt Andrea was fading so we had to cancel one evening visit, but we hope to make that up next week, maybe at lunchtime, if I heard correctly.

It is interesting to be at the nexus of such an interesting, loving and supportive group of people. I feel very fortunate indeed.

Congratulations to Wendy on the publication of her new children's book on kids and dogs. She was reading to groups of kids yesterday for the first time at a Washington book fair, and nervous at the prospect. All went well, though. May it be just the first of many book fairs to come, Wendy, and you mine the experience for more books or satisfying nuggets of one kind or another.

Til Tomorrow


  1. YEAH, WENDY— Andrea has been talking about you for years... and for her to see the book come to life what a joy!! You should have seen her face when she showed off your book...she was a proud parent!! Or maybe your publisher? Nope, just Andrea...amazing...

  2. Well, if it wasn't for Andrea, there would be no book... cause before I went to Andrea camp, I had zero confidence. She held my hand for years, encouraging me, pointing out the good, while I sniveled and winced with insecurity. Then one day she gave me a little bitch slap that spun my head like little Linda Blair. I was doing my insecurity tap dance, berating my work, and crying in my soup about how lame I was. She looked me straight in the eye and said: "Stop it. Every time you say things like that, you insult me too. Because I love your work, and you're as much as saying that I have no taste." Gulp. Andrea, my supporter, my biggest fan, my art patron, and Best Friend (hee hee). I can't say I never lick my paws and let the Imposter Syndrome overtake me, but I hope I know I don't drag others down with me when I go there. Thanks Anders.

    Stan, your descriptions are perhaps, too good, and I imagine the effort and grasping for air with each movement as if I were another skin, another layer of Andrea. I wish I could. Hold her, and move and breathe for her. I know we all do. Again and again, you are a gem among husmens. My new word for husband-men. love love lovies,
