Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Wednesday is brisket day

I wish, but more about that in a moment. Andrea had a normal night's sleep and is resting comfortably this morning. She awoke from a dream in which she didn't have cancer and all the kids at school were making fun of her. I think that's interesting from a number of standpoints. Andrea was upset, though, and wanted confirmation that she did indeed have cancer. She seems lucid this morning, and is pain and nausea free for the most part, but the off-the-wall thoughts keep coming anyway. For instance, when I walked into the bedroom a minute ago to give her copies of what I'd written for the blog and what you fans have written, she asked me if I'd made the trip to Gelsons for the brisket and if it was all sliced and laid out. I hated to break the news to her that there was no brisket. Now I'm hungry.

More later.



  1. I am walking on air after having a wonderful chat with Andrea this morning. The only thing that could satisfy me further is a nice slice of brisket. Hello Harriet?

    With joyous love,


  2. Maybe the brisket is in preparing for Passover next week...just a thought :-)

    I had lunch with Lynne the other day and of course the subject of Andrea came up. I commented that she is one of the most gracious and courageous people I know. Please tell her that for me. And you...Stan, you're an angel.

    You're in my thoughts and prayers,

  3. oh yes Harriet, I think a Brisket is in order!!
    Andrea told me you made the best!!

    I Got the chance to say hello to Andrea today as well, always a treat. I hope to take the visuals from Mondays visit and create a piece of artwork- even under heavy drugs Andrea can continue to inspire... : ) Sending dreamy thoughts, Barb

  4. I went grocery shopping and what did I see
    The newest Fine Cooking looking for me
    I picked up copy and look what I found
    A recipe for brisket, sold by the pound
    I've not cooked it yet, I'm a shiksa I am
    I'm waiting for Easter and cooking up ham
    So pardon me Harriet it's your dish of joy
    What do you expect from an Irishman goy

    Diane (Kelly t'is)
