Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Wednesday Night

Sometimes it takes me a while to read the comments, but I just read the last of yesterday's and tonight's comments. What a treat! Thank-you for the laughs, ladies. I can't wait to read them to Andrea tomorrow. I printed the last four days blog and comments for Andrea this morning, and Harriet (one of the 4% households without a computer) was reading, too. Anyway, thanks again for all the comments. Great imagination Eli, and Irish Diane, more poetry. Speaking of...

I saw her out on the Dublin Road
She showed some leg so o'course I slowed
A fetching local lass with ewes
So I said "I'm lost" (but 'twas a ruse)
I asked the road to Balyskess
She said "why not use your G-P-S?"
Her voice had not a trace of Eire
Now which of us would be the liar?
Are you American? I said
"Born and raised, but here I wed"
Aye, well the country air does suit you
She gave a look that said adieu
"The States for me got a bit too noisy"
but I miss my cousin, Irish Diane of Boise.

Oh, I crack myself up. If Andrea wasn't feeling well, I doubt that I'd be in such a mood. So yes, she had another good day. A couple visitors and no pain or nausea. Very few hallucinations, but in truth, I enjoy them. There was some confusion at times, but no big deal. I'm not sure why she's doing better. Cumulative drug effect? Marinol? I have been trying to use the stomach tube more, also. I tapered back on that after the doc stopped IV fluids. Nothing going in, so why not clamp it off and make life easier for her?, I figured. Well, maybe because her body can't handle ANY extra liquid of any kind. So we'll continue that. And the phenergan. And decadron. And marinol. See how many good days we can get.

You have a good day, too.



  1. Hello darlings, cousin Linda here. I have been trying and trying to post, and I keep losing my message. I'm such a klutz. Maybe this time will do the trick.

    I am so glad to hear that your nausea is better. I got Phenergan intravenous for my viral flu a few months go, a real toilet-grabbing episode, and it worked very well. Also Tagamet seemed to help with stomach acid that causes nausea too, if it has no food to digest. What do I know... But anyway, Nicole and I are up here in northern California thinking of you and loving you and wishing you only good days. It means everything to see that you're feeling better. And to read that you like House too --- I watch it on my computer on or --- I can see lots of episodes back to back. We love you, sweet Andrea girl.

  2. Love it Stan! It really works if you sing it to the tune of Steve Earle's great "Galway Girl"
    Here's to another great day Chez Bros.

  3. Get OUTTA town! (go to Ireland..) I LOVE yer bitty ditty. I'm dancin' a wee little jig to hear Andrea is having an easier time of it. Yea! Who called you, Frankenstan? Hmmm, I like that, but I'm thinking you're more of a master inventor, fine tinkerer-artiste. Like Da Vinci, in jeans, sans poofy hat.

    Andrea, love of my life, best friend to all (ahem. I have finally adjusted to sharing, by the way. My feathers are smooth), best friend of mine, I hear you and talk to you in my mind, always and forever wearing your smile on my heart, your laughter, my heartbeat.

    I'll try calling today. See if I can't crack you up :-)

    ps Linda, it took a lot of computer shaking to figure out how to post comments. I still don't know how! I just start flailing and poking buttons, and voila! Hello!

  4. Hi Stan,
    I worked with Andrea when she was at Arandell and I was at Monterey Bay. You and I met at dinner once, I think it was tapas. Neither here nor there. Although I worked with her briefly, she made a delightful impact and I often giggle to myself thinking about some of the press checks we went on together.
    One time in particular we were very loopy, it was probably after 3 a.m. and somehow it came up that I had only heard my husband fart two times in the 10 years I had known him. When she suggested that the next time he fart I put the essence in a vial and wear it around my neck like the mustard seeds people wore in the '70s, I completely lost it. It still cracks me up whenever I think about it. I know I don't need to tell you how awesome Andrea is and that she has left laughter in the hearts of everyone she's known, but I will anyway because it's true.
    Thank you so much for keeping us all posted. I know it can't be easy for you, but you must be pretty fabulous yourself if you were able to nab someone as special as Andrea.
    All the best,
    Kinley Bennett

  5. Stan, It is okay that you liked the hallucinations, I did too! Really Harriet I did, it made we wish I lived just a bit of time in the 60's. I have no good drug years to speak of... I also have to share when I was there I told Andrea she was on some good drugs. She answered yeah, they are sure picked through but you are welcome to help yourself. I love how you share Andrea... : ) love to you...always thinking of you!
