Wednesday, April 8, 2009


Today was tough. Andrea is slipping away. She made it through one visit this morning, but afterward seemed to have a tougher and tougher time breathing and was not able to talk. Her eyes were not focusing and she often didn't seem in the moment. There are times she was, though, even if she could not express herself. I am giving her minimal drugs, just enough to ensure that she is not in pain.

More later, if anything changes.


  1. Dearest Stan, Andrea, Jack, Steph and all,
    Sending you my prayers and thoughts for restful peace today and always. Stan - thank you for loving our Andrea so completely and sharing your heart with us everyday with these words. Andrea, sweet angel, woman of strength, integrity and grace - you have touched my life in such a way I do not even have words free, fly away. All my love, everyday, cj

  2. I told Andrea about an experience I had last August when I went to hear Rebecca Rosen, a medium, speak. It was called a group reading (for about 200 people) and I was very skeptical.

    Within five minutes I was 1000% convinced that our loved ones are always with us, watching over us. The most important thing was they were all free from their earthly ailments and were HAPPY.

    Oh how lucky those souls are going to be when Andrea joins their ranks! She will leave all of her suffering behind and will be able to watch over Jack.

    Maybe this is just my hope for her, but I can't help but think she is destined to take a first-class trip to eternity. Her father is already there waiting for her.

    Love and sweet dreams my friend!

  3. I took off most of the day from work to be with Andrea. It wasn't easy. She was having difficulty breathing and was mostly incoherent. But, as I was getting ready to leave, she looked right at me, her eyes open, and said, "I'm so sorry, Steph." Quite a moment, one that will stay with me forever.

  4. My heart is so filled with love and sadness.Tonight we had out passover seder, and sat there thinking what a blessing Andrea has been in my life, how brave she has been--though she would say not. She would say "what else do you do, but live? What's the alternative?"

    Every moment is a gift, and every memory will be forever.

    Steph, thank you for sharing your moment. Stan, thank you for sharing your lives.

    Love, Judy

  5. I can only add my love and thanks with all my heart. All has been said so beautifully above. Twins so close. You define the relationship as I have never seen before. Stan, your strength and love makes me cry. For joy that you and Andrea met at that party and you swept her up and away, loving her, making her laugh, steady and always in love. She never once wavered in her love and commitment to you either, let me tell you... I'd get so mad at you sometimes, as you know, and she took sides with Both of us... only Andrea.

    Andrea, my darling precious one and only. Let go. Then tell me about the light and warmth in my dreams, where we can both be together without pain. There is a laugh at the end of the tunnel

  6. Stan and Jack
    The clouds are dark and depressing here in Portland and they match my feelings. Words are inadequate. I'll miss that gal so much. She was radiance and life and we are all poorer without her. My deepest sympathy to you and all of her loving family. Thank you again Stan for allowing us to be there when we couldn't./carol
