Thursday, April 9, 2009

Andrea A. Brothers 1956-2009

I'm sorry to have to tell you that Andrea stopped breathing and passed away peacefully at 9:56. I have called the hospice, Steph and Harriet.

Thank you so much for all the love you sent our way in the last few months.

Love to All.




Thanks to all for email, calls, comments and expressions of love in various forms. We are working on a couple dates for a memorial service in a few weeks. I will post the information just as soon as I know it.



  1. So sad. Thanks Stan for keeping everyone up to date. Andrea was an amazing person who touched so many lives, and will be so missed. All our love,

  2. Our dearest girl. Your heart, your breath, your spirit are light. Our hearts, our breath, our spirits are heavy. The first is more important than the second and we welcome your release from pain and suffering. My great friend, I will miss you beyond imagination but will cherish what I consider to be one of the highest honors of my life, to have known your love and support. Stan, Jack, Steph, Harriet, Joyce, Olivia and the many family and friends, you have all the sympathy our hearts can offer.
    Diane and Roberto

  3. Perfection Wasted

    And another regrettable thing about death
    is the ceasing of your own brand of magic,
    which took a whole life to develop and market –
    the quips, the witticisms, the slant
    adjusted to a few, those loved ones nearest
    the lip of the stage, their soft faces blanched
    in the footlight glow, their laughter close to tears,
    their tears confused with their diamond earrings,
    their warm pooled breath in and out with your heartbeat,
    their response and your performance twinned.
    The jokes over the phone. The memories
    packed in the rapid-access file. The whole act.
    Who will do it again? That’s it: no one;
    imitators and descendants aren’t the same.

    –John Updike
    May 7, 1990

    Find peace dear friend. You have made my memories a happier place to dwell.

    With love to all the family and friends who were a witness to the spark that was our one and only Andrea.

  4. My Dearest Stan,and Jack,

    Words can not begin to describe the way I feel about Andrea in life and in death. So many things I hold dear and will cherish and miss forever in my heart...her laugh, her smile, her warm hug and most of all the out of the blue calls filled with the cutest Jack stories. How amazing she was to sooooooo many people of this I'm certain. There will never be another you for Jack that's for sure! I love you dearly. I have faith I will see you again someday.
    My love to Jack, Stan, Harriet, Steph, and Olivia.

    Lily, Matias and Fabian

  5. Stan,
    Thank you for all you have done. I'm relieved Andrea is no longer in pain, but I am so sad for us all that she is gone. It wasn't until this blog that I realized how many sincere and wonderful people Andrea had in her life. My friends and family send their condolences, as do I knowing that we have all been robbed of such a loving person.

    All of my thoughts are with you today,

  6. Dear Stan & Jack,
    We have been following along day by day and you have all been in our thoughts and prayers.
    We send you our love and the children wish they could give Jack a hug.
    Love to you both,
    Juliette, Andrew, Gardenia, Benjamin, Robert & Jessica.

  7. Dear Stan,
    My thoughts are with you and Jack on this sad day; the world just got a bit quieter without the joy of Andrea. Thank you for being so gracious in sharing...

    Love, Aida

  8. Dear Stan,

    I am so sorry for your loss. All of us have just lost a lot of sunshine from our day. She brought lightness and laughter to wherever she went. And always so brave about her battle.

    You have been such a wonderful partner for Andrea, and we have all just witnessed your commitment. Thank you so much for bringing us all into your daily life as you've cared for Andrea. You've been a gift to us all, and especially to her.

    My love to you, Steph and Olivia, Harriet and Jack.

  9. Thank you Stan, Harriet, Joyce, Steph, Olivia and Jack for sharing this wonderful woman with us. I know my heart will never be the same but I will cherish every precious moment of the years I knew Andrea.

    Much love,

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. Stan, I'm so sorry to hear this news. I didn't have the chance to get to know Andrea personally, but she must have been a wonderful person to be your partner, and I regret Laura and I couldn't get to know her better.

    We're here for you and Jack. Please let us know if we can help in any way.


  12. Dear Stan,
    I am so sorry to hear the news and yet I feel the relief that Andrea is no longer struggling or in pain and I am grateful to have been an infinitesmal part of all the love and joy that clearly surrounds Andrea and you and Jack as a family. And now that love continues in a different way, and we are thinking of you, Stan, and sending you all our love and sympathy -- and we are there for you and Jack as you need us.
    Margaret and Wesley and Maeve

  13. Dear Stan & Jack,
    Thank you for taking the time to write this blog. I have wonderful memories of Andrea, and alway could count on my side hurting after a dinner or lunch date with her. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.


  14. Stan,
    We are so sad to hear the inevitable news. God Bless Andrea. We're thinking of you and holding you, Jack, Steph and Harriet in our thoughts.
    All of our lives are richer for knowing Andrea and she remains in our hearts forever.
    Our deepest condolences.
    Gary and Tina

  15. Dearest Stan, Jack, Steph, Harriet, Olivia, Joyce, and all her family and loving friends, I grieve with you. My deepest sympathy, empathy and love always.

    Nina, your Updike post leaves me speechless, it says it all, and I re read it about every hour. Thank you.

    Judy said, "You know, you hear people talk at memorials and you think, well, they weren't That perfect.. but Andrea was."

    She was. Perfect love, perfect friend.
