Monday, March 30, 2009

12 O'clock High

Hello, Again.

Yes, "12 O'colock high". And 10 and 11 and 1 and 2. I guess I overdid the medication this morning because our gal was high all day. There were moments of lucidity, but Andrea was seeing things all day long. Examples: "Did you bring the cookies to work?".."Weren't there two sticks of butter on the night table"..."Did you see those birds fly over" and on and on. The good thing is that there has been no pain and no nausea all day long. I think we can cut back on the medication and bring her down a little. I'll just have to figure out what the right dosage is for each of the three drugs she's getting that can cause hallucinations. It HAS been amusing, and I'm so glad we have a day without pain, but we do want the real Andrea back. Or maybe Andrea after a glass of wine.


  1. We're going to start calling you Baron von FrankenSTAN soon! I know I prefer this version of Andrea over the pain and nausea version. Stan, you're doing a remarkable job juggling meds. So glad she had a day without suffering. Keep up the good work Dr. F!
    Love, Lynne

  2. Oh man, these are a remarkable man. Yes, I agree with Lynne, I prefer this version of Andrea over the pain and nausea, but what a juggling act for you! Hang in there, and once again thank you for keeping us up to date. I hope you and Jack get some time for plain old fun!

    Love and hugs to all,
    Jennifer Robin

  3. So she's a little high....better than pain and discomfort, I'm sure. Send her my love and affection and as well to Jack and you.

  4. Hmmm...pain...thoughts butter...pain...thoughts of butter.
    I don't know about the rest of you, but, I would opt for the thoughts of butter and I am sure Andrea would, too. Oh, ho, ho...shortbread, croissants, pie crust...would somebody please
    find those two sticks of butter!?

  5. You might ask the nurses or doctors if the hallucinations are also a natural response of the body to self-medicate over-and-above the results of her drug cocktail. It sounds like you have a lot of responsibility juggling all these meds and I hope you are getting all the help you need from hospice. Thank you good doktor for taking such good care of Andrea (what a pair of knockers!).
    Love and Kisses coming from I-dee-ho.
