Monday, March 30, 2009

Thanks, Patagonia People

Good Morning.

First off, we are/I am remiss in not acknowledging some very generous donations by friends at Patagonia who have covered the costs of making the "Life Chronicles" video. Extra thanks to Val Franco who set this up, too. I was going to send a check after I got the still photos ready to add to the final video, but I haven't gotten my act together on this task yet. So much to go through. Now I guess that check will be an extra donation, but it's worth it for Jack and others to come to have that video, so thank-you, thank-you, thank-you.

The latest Andrea news is a mixed bag. Andrea started having nausea issues around 7 last night and vomited around 8. I gave her an Ativan, but she stayed awake or somewhat awake for the next few hours. I think her body wanted to sleep, but she wanted to watch "House" and "The Closer". She drifted off during the latter show, and I went to bed shortly after. I woke a little before 2am either because Andrea was talking in her sleep or I was getting a headache. In any event, Andrea continued talking almost non-stop for the next two hours. Food, work (a constant theme), cancer, friends. After two hours I split an Ambien and popped half in her mouth and half in mine. I slept until 6:30, but Andrea is still sleeping at almost 9:30. We shall see what the rest of the day brings.


  1. I'm sorry THE CLOSER put our girl to sleep. It wasn't my episode... If it had been I'm sure no amount of drugs would've made her drift off! Hope she has a good day and you too Stan!


  2. The commercials inbetween scenes are enough to do it.
    I hope today finds more sticks of butter on the bedstand, and no nausea in her tummy. Please tell Andrea I love, I'm thinking of her all the time. And that Kirkus Review gave my book an excellent review. She so loves good news about everyone else! Our Andrea. I've never known anyone to get so much joy from other people's happiness, large or small.

  3. LOL caregiver taking a half an ativan (hope they helped those infernal headaches).

    Big ole pat on Wendy's back for the good review (of her book and Andrea's wonderfulness).

    I hang on your every word good doktor so keep those cards and letters coming.

    Tho not in my vision, you three are always in my heart.


  4. I wish she could stop the work related monologue in her head, although the baking one sounds stressful too. Sweet dreams for our sweet Andrea.

  5. I was thinking the same thing - enough with the work, on with soaring over the mts, and swimming like a dolphin. Also how freaking Unfair it is that she cannot eat anything she could ever want.

  6. I agree Wendy - Kraft for everyone! I too hang on every word and feel the love with each comment added. It's like a great big group hug! Love to you all & especially to our guys, Stan and Jack and gal, Andrea.

  7. I was over there tonight and it was a much better experience than yesterday. They began the hydration again, and that with the more controlled meds, made for fewer hallucination and a more coherent Andrea. It was the best visit we've had in days. Yea!
    I love you, Twin A.
    Twin B

  8. Fabulous news! Love to both the twins! xox cj

  9. Oh Twin B, so good to hear from you -- I was thinking hard about you today. How many 'best friends' your sister has. I love that comment you made, that you've never met so many people who think Andrea is their best friend. Does that say it, or what. Ala mode the love to Andrea and her 2 princes, hugs to you and Olivia, 'Mom', Joyce and Eric.
