Sunday, March 15, 2009


Laughter echoes from the bedroom again and again as I sit down at the computer. What are they laughing about in there? I don't know and I don't care. I want to hear more, more and then more again. The cast changes, but someone's always on the bed and others are gathered near in chairs. Andrea had her nap and may drift off again at any time, but she is surrounded by love, so nothing else matters right now.

It guess it's redundant to note that it's been a good day so far. Harriet, Joyce, Steph, Olivia and Liz and Gabe were here this morning to welcome Lily and the boys to brunch. Cousin Alison came later. I wheeled Andrea out and she lasted about an hour, then retired to the bedroom with Lily. She's been there ever since, but did manage a two hour nap or so in between the changing entourage of adoring fans. She's going to be hard to live with now, but I'll try to find a way.

The Queen had no pain to speak of today, but the G-tube in her stomach is uncomfortable at times. No nausea thus far. Andrea munched ice chips from time to time, but nothing else.

May tomorrow hold as much laughter and love.


  1. huuuurrrraaaahhh for laughter!! I am so glad she had two good days. Please give the queen my love Stan. Thanks for the update! Love to you as well, Barb

  2. Stan, I think that you need to keep the baby monitor on, so you know what the laughter is about. Don't let it go to waste.

    Love to you all. I'll talk to you soon.

  3. So glad to hear Andrea has had so many good days after such a rough week previously. We can all hear her laughter too and it helps us get through another day as well. Great update Stan!

  4. I'd like to offer up, 'Our Diva of Extreme Laughter' – Some of us only laugh like 'that' with Andrea! Some sing, some dance, some act, some paint. Andrea laughs and throws us the ball. And nothing replaces your giggle or your big HA!, Stan. You've got some good juju going in that house.
    PS I've shared this blog with many friends and
    they all say the same thing: They love your writing. You are very talented.

  5. Stan - thank you for keeping this update going. love and laughter - the best medicine. Teri

  6. stan - thank you for keeping this update going. love and laughter - the best medicine. teri

  7. can you tell i'm new to this blogger business -i keep pressing post and what do you know...:-)

  8. that is okay, Andrea would have had a belly laugh at the many posts Teri! HA! Love it.
