Sunday, March 29, 2009

Same old Same old...

Another difficult day, though Andrea has been sleeping for the last couple hours with the help of phenergan, marinol and methadone. She was nauseous from the moment she woke, but she did sleep through the night. She also complained of shortness of breath/difficulty with breathing and is worried about the trend. Will it get to the point where she has to struggle to take a breath? It is possible we'll need to up the drug amounts to keep her comfortable. We did move her back into the bedroom, which took some logistical planning, a wheelchair and a break. The hospital bed just didn't work out that well. The mattress is not comfortable and the adjustments are problematic. It is a little easier for Jack and I to carry on with our days if she's in the bedroom, but our convenience is secondary, if that.

No visitors today, but Joyce came by for a couple hours while I took Jack out. We'll see how she does tomorrow.

That's it. I wish I had more positive news to report. I'll add a few lines tonight if Andrea feels any better.


  1. never the same old same old for us hanging on every word you write, dear Stan. hating to think of andrea in pain and having trouble breathing. nausea and no food is bad enough. Please tell andrea i am forever hers, forever holding her hand always hers. Soft spots and Stanacisms - keep em coming. Make her laugh for me - love you so much, wendy

  2. "I'll add a few lines tonight if Andrea feels any better."

    I hope a few lines are in order tonight.

    Thinking of you all,

  3. Dear Stan,
    Not a day goes by that Andrea, Jack, and you are in my thoughts and prayers MANY times throughout my day. I know she knows, I know you know, but please tell her again how much I truly adore and love her with all my heart and soul. There is no one else in this world I would have picked for Jack to live his life with.
    Love you sooooooooooooo much,
