Saturday, March 28, 2009


This Saturday has not turned out as I'd hoped, but how much can you expect from a day that has the word "turd" spelled out right in the middle of it? Okay, that was a bit much, but the day hasn't been very kind to Andrea. She did get a little visiting in this morning, but she's been sore and/or uncomfortable a good part of the day and thrown up three times. I'm finally understanding where a good part of the nausea comes from: the device implanted in her stomach. There seems to be a bulb of sorts inside the stomach and anytime it moves Andrea experiences some nausea. Other factors are at work, but any movement of the device just seems to trigger a reaction. I will go online later and see what others have experienced.

So it has not been a great day. Sarah S. kindly came by again while Jack and I went to a Tee-ball game. Lynne and Karen O'neil stopped by for a low-key hour, also. And Steph and Eric hung out for a good part of the afternoon. It took all three of us to move Andrea off her bed and into the recliner while we changed her mattress. Not sure if she'll be any happier with the change, but "we'll see" (as my mother said a thousand times).

What else? Another prescription for nausea arrives late tonight. Phenergan. It may work similarly to Ativan (nausea relief at the expense of wakefulness), but..."we'll see". Andrea is sleeping now (6pm) and has been sleeping for the past couple hours. I suspect she's down for the night, but sometimes she surprises me.

Hope your Saturday is a happy one.




Andrea woke at 8 and vomited several times. Phenergan suppositories arrived and were duly inserted. Andrea drifted back to sleep but woke a few times and asked non-sensical questions, in one case something about a book. In another she said something about "wonderful colors". I hope her dreams are happy ones. Yours too.


1 comment:

  1. I wanted to share one bright moment during our visit yesterday. Jack bounded in from his T-ball game looking so handsome in his Cardinals uniform. He immediately went over to Andrea's bed to offer her his juice box. She took a few sips and gave it back to him. Karen and I got kisses before he was off to the computer to play. I think I could see hearts fluttering around Andrea's head.
