Thursday, March 26, 2009

Thursday Morning / Evening

Good Morning.

We've had a good start to the day. Andrea is alert and chatting with Angela (from Patagonia)and hasn't mentioned pain or nausea except briefly after a bathroom break.

One positive thing I haven't mentioned is that Andrea is getting oxygen and it seems to help. She has one of those little plastic tubes in her nose and a machine tucked away in the closet pumping away. It seems to help with nausea and also makes breathing easier. We know the tumor/s are all around the stomach, creating pressure, and probably now the lungs, too, which makes taking a breath harder. Not a pleasant thought, but most likely a reality.

More later.

Hello Again.

It's been a relatively quiet afternoon and evening for Andrea. Joyce stayed with Andrea for a few hours at mid-day, which allowed me to leave the house for a doctor's appointment and a quick half-hour at Helmut and Laura's in Hollywood (some of the nicest people I know and clients, to boot). A social worker from the hospice care came by to check in on Andrea, then Steph came by around 5 and hung out until 7. Andrea watched television for a little while, then asked to be hooked up to the oxygen again as she was feeling a tightness in her stomach. The pressure hasn't gone away as of 9:30. I gave Andrea an Ambien, so I'm hoping she'll sleep through the night. We'll see what tomorrow brings, besides a few visitors and T-ball practice.

So. Quiet is good. And no vomiting all day = good, also. Another couple days like this and I'll have to start posting vacation slides and mother's recipes (if I could ever read her writing).

Good Night


  1. Hello Stan,
    Thank you as always for this blog, I read it avidly every day. I am glad for Andrea's oxygen and for her alertness this morning, this most beautiful spring morning, full of the scent of lavender and jasmine and the cries of baby hawks -- and, ah, the scent of the baby skunks:)
    Much love to you, Andrea and Jack

  2. please give Andrea my love, Stan. You are such a wonderful caregiver - I told Joe to take notes. Like everybody - and Margaret (no skunks here though, darn it! - I forgot about that LA air flavor) I read every day, a few times and wonder, how can I be here, but if I go down to visit again, am I only intruding on family and energy. And phone calls - can she talk? Are we too much... So I read and remember and hold on and send my heart waves to LA. Please kiss Andrea for me, And a big hug to Jack from Joe! Thank you Stan, amazing writer man.
