Monday, March 23, 2009

Monday, Monday..

Andrea is watching "House" as I sit down to the computer, a rarity of late. Usually she is too tired to watch TV at this hour, something I didn't anticipate when I called the cable company to order EVERYTHING but sports and the Playboy channel. She doesn't even watch TV in the daytime. HBO, Cinemax, Starz and everything else--wasted.

Well, despite the interest in "House", "wasted" almost describes the day. Harriet, Joyce and Olivia all came by for a visit this morning, and Bob Garcia from Schawk came by for a few minutes at lunchtime, but Andrea didn't feel that well all day. The new drug wasn't effective at curbing the nausea and we had to resort to dilaudid at one point for pain. Andrea LOOKED okay, but it was a struggle all day. I can't even remember if she threw up. I think she did, but the days have begun to blur together. I do know she had the container ready on several oocasions. I've asked the doctor for a marinol prescription to combat the nausea. That drug is extracted from marijuana, I believe. I wouldn't care if it came from Lemur piss, as long as it worked. We'll see what news the nurse brings tomorrow.

I did not accomplish much today, not that I have to, but it does feel good to have done something. Maybe after I write and put Jack to bed. I did some homework with the lad and we got through six books, but that's about it. He did have a playdate with Saaya, which was nice. Saaya has a little pink electric car. Jack apparently expressed some reservation about driving a pink car, but he got over it quickly.

Gabe sent a bunch of photos taken last week. I'm posting a couple here. The one photo of me looks like I'm giving the ump a serious bit of hell, but I'm actually congratulating someone on a hit. I'm sorry you can't see the collection of photos Gabe took while documenting the work of the Grameen Foundation in Ecuador and Bangladesh in recent weeks. Many of you know that this organization facilitates micro-lending in the developing world, but it is also my favorite charity.

Nothing much else of note today, but thank you Prudential Insurance for your check.

Good Night.


  1. Stan, these days it seems both like there are not enough hours in a day, and then far too many.

    About the pink car...perhaps you can be a role model with your pink phone. Or perhaps you should start playing "Pink Cadillac"--the Springsteen version, of course.

    Miss and love you all,

  2. Andrea told me on the phone how talented Gabe is and these photos are wonderful!
    Pot extract or lemur pee in a pot. Fingers and tails crossed.
    Love thinking we watched House at the same time last night. Ours was a rerun though. Please kiss Andrea for me, and tell her I'm wearing her pink vest every day. Literally. I feel closer to her, cuddled in like this. Topped with the silver poodle pin she gave me.

  3. Wow! What fabulous shots of Jack and Stan...definitely taken with the eye of a master. Priceless. Priceless, too, is the way this blog has kept us all in the moment with you three. Hopefully, it's as theraputic for you, as it has been for all of us out here in blogland. Especially, those of us who are too distant, longing to be at hand...helping, comforting, caressing. Stan, Andrea, can you envision all our cyber hands soothing you through these days?
    Hugs all around. Xxoo

  4. God I hate this disease and it's insidious daily activity. Why are YOU having to ask the doctors for different medications? Are you getting the support you need from the hospice staff? I'm going to go "Terms of Endearment" soon--GIVE HER WHAT SHE NEEDS!

    OK, just as I was about to continue with my rant, I got this note from a visitor: "Andrea says hello. She was very funny today and definitely still the Andrea we all love."

    I still want to kick someone's medical ass though.

  5. Lynne, you and I never cease to be on the same page. As for the marinol, it's the same as the other oral drugs in that her stomach needs to tolerate it. Also, it will increase her appetite tremendously. Is that advisable? It might behoove you to investigate medical marijuana that she can smoke (it goes right into the bloodstream so instant relief) and is less appetite enhancing. I don't know but these are questions for hospice. All I know is, she can't be in pain. Please tell her right now how much I adore her.


  6. yes Nina, indeed a cyber hug! I can't image life without this blog!! Thank god for you Stan. We would all be calling like crazy.... I am with you Lynne, "give her what she wants"!! I can see you yelling it too!
    Sending good thoughts that the drugs are working! Love to you Andrea, I am missing your beautiful smile!! love, barb
