Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Sleeping, Sleeping..

A quiet day. The doctor saw Andrea this morning and got the G-tube fixed. She promptly went back to sleep and dozed most of the day. For Andrea night and day have merged. She sleeps or dozes most of the time now, and occasionally has brief hallucinations. Out of curiosity, I looked up a few poems about sleep, thinking I may borrow a line or two to lift the level of prose here. I promptly stole a few lines from Robert Louis Stevenson's "Land of Nod" and went off on my own journey.

From morning on through most the day
At home among my friends I stay,
My day is night, I glide the streams
Up the mountainside of dreams
I’m home and yet I am abroad
Far into the land of Nod
The strangest things are there for me
Yet strange again my own journey
As daylight fades and night draws near
My destination now is clear
And dreams once brisk slow to a creep
Along this final mile to sleep


  1. How beautifully apropos. We are so gratified that we got to visit with her when consciousness was still present for extended periods. Her hallucinations when I last saw her on Saturday revolved around food. I'd like to think that in her dreams, as in mine, we are all together enjoying a delicious meal and laughing. Always laughing. Love Diane.

  2. A beautiful poem for our beautiful Andrea. She has taught us all so many of life's lessons about the value of love, family, friendship, courage and lots of laughter. I'm glad she got to experience the depth of our love for her in the last month.

  3. A beautiful poem indeed Stan. Someone said you are prince to be keeping this blog and they are so very right. Thank you again and we are sending our love,
    Margaret, Wesley and Maeve

  4. Stan, you are such a gift and gifted writer. It cannot be easy spending time on this every day or so, but thank god for you. It means so much. You are so thoughtful in your words and care.

    I tip my decaf to you.

    Love, judy

  5. Andrea, Jack and Stan, you are in my thoughts and in my prayers daily. I love you all so very much. Please let Jack know that Matias and Fabian will be over to play with him soon.
    Love, Lily

  6. Dearest Andrea, sweet dreams to you my friend. So many wonderful and silly memories come to mind this evening. Wishing you and your family peace and love, Angela

  7. The poem is wonderful!
    Your English teacher sister-in-law
