Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Tuesday Night

Sorry I didn't get to this sooner. We had friends over for dinner tonight and I didn't even think about the blog until my head hit the pillow. Can't leave my loyal fan base in the dark, now, can I?

The last time I thought about the blog was somewhere around 4pm. I was thinking it's been a good day: a couple of short visits, some discomfort but no bad pain, and nausea at a mild level. A few minutes later Andrea threw up. Poop. I gave her some of the latest meds and she didn't seem too bad afterwards, visiting with friends for awhile and drinking ice water.

The good news (we hope) is that the prescription for marinol came through and the first pill has been taken. We won't know for awhile what the effects are, other than the listening to be-bop, wearing dark glasses and _______________(submit your own punch line here).

A common side effect is sedation, so we are going easy on the dosage so as not to put our gal to sleep. Your faithful correspondent will report tomorrow.

Good Night


  1. and uncontrollable cravings for chocolate chip cookie dough!

  2. ...and a naked man with a fish on a stick!
