Sunday, March 8, 2009

Sunday, March 8

Well, we've had worse days. Another roller coaster day it was. Andrea woke in the middle of the night all wet in the stomach area. We thought that something had happened to her IV line, so I flushed it, re-connected and went back to bed. At 5 am we had a repeat performance, but she was obviously leaking profusely from the G-tube in her stomach. Upon further examination I discovered a stitch had pulled out. After some clean-up (I'll spare you the details), I taped the flange back in place, bandaged the area with extra gauze and a new white washcloth and called the night nurse. She arranged for the day nurse to come after 8 am.

The rest of the day wasn't bad, but there was some nausea and the usual result. We are eliminating some medicines that don't control the nausea and doubling up on others.
Harriet, Steph and Linda stopped by at various times. Andrea didn't talk much (She can't seem to get her voice much above a whisper), but the ladies all enjoyed watching a video made last Sunday of Andrea talking about her life with (separately) Jack, me, Harriet and Steph. Unfortunately she ran out of steam and never got to talk with Joyce or Olivia on camera.

The nurse's visit this afternoon was pretty much a waste of time. I do a better job of bandaging Andrea than she does, which doesn't seem right. And as I suspected, only a doctor can put in the stitches. So we'll have to wait until Monday for that.

It's is now almost 8pm. Andrea has had her nightime meds and is falling asleep as she and Steph watch some old episode of "House", their favorite show. This is actually the latest she's been up all week.

I'm cleaning a closet (I can't take all this excitement!) and Jack is playing his new Lego Star Wars video game (courtesy of Diane and Roberto).

Good Night

1 comment:

  1. I am so grateful for this blog. Not only does it include the cutest photo of Andrea I've ever seen, but it cuts down on the need to phone. After spending last week chez Brothers, the constantly ringing phone was a real problem and I for one will use this blog as a means to stay updated.
