Saturday, March 7, 2009

Saturday, March 7

Hello Again.

Another less than perfect day. Andrea wasn't feeling well at the 5am Methadone dosage, so she had a half-dose of Ativan, and ended up sleeping/dozing for the better part of the day. She was weak, had dry-mouth and could not speak that easily, so we canceled all visits for today. She rallied a little bit tonight and was awake for an hour, but lingering stomach pain (perhaps caused in part by a G-Tube stitch that pulled out) prompted us to use a half-dose of dilaudid at 7, so she is slowly going down for the count, although last time I looked in the bedroom she was watching tv.. With any luck, tomorrow will bring more lucidity. We have scheduled a visit from the nurse to talk about medications and stitch, but I am not holding out any hope for a huge improvement. We'd be happy with anything at this point. I just got delivery of a drug to pep her up a little, so we'll see how that works.

In other news, Jack had his first T-Ball game today. He didn't like his team's new St. Louis Cardinals uniform before the game. Afterward(s?) he decided it was okay. Jack knocked down a few ground balls and did okay at bat. For the uninitiated, they don't count runs or outs in T-Ball and it was laugh-a-minute and wild. Some of the kids don't yet know where to run, when to run, what to do with the ball and more. Having fun is the main objective and I think we achieved that. I say "we" because I am a coach.

I used the extra time today to do a little housecleaning and work. Exciting stuff. Stay tuned.

1 comment:

  1. thanks Stan, what a great help to knowing what is going on... Please let me know if you need anything, It is all so hard and I wish I could take the pain away... We all love her so much! We by nature love to smother her and need your input to back off... Love you for that, barb
