Friday, March 13, 2009


It was a pretty good day today. Since the doctor stopped the IV fluids there has been almost no nausea. The pain has been minimal or manageable, so that's a definite improvement. On the down side, Andrea does not have the strength to stand up or even shift around in bed unaided. Her mouth is constantly dry and the mental fog continues. Among the off-the-wall questions I've been asked in the last 24 hours are: "How did you get into this organization?", "Why are we in Phoenix?" and "Why are they doing a Christmas tree in March?" I do laugh and enjoy these comments, just as I found it so amusing that Jack said he wanted to go to Africa and have hot cocoa.

Still, Andrea got through the day and had pleasant visits with several people

The request for time with Andrea is unending. I am trying to work in people as best I can, but I think the visits have to get shorter, too. And maybe start to have people say "good-bye" to Andrea. I'll talk with her about that in the morning. If she gets so weak she can't speak, visits may be counter-productive. Anyone who has constructive thoughts on this can shoot me an email.

I removed the post about Jack's college fund. No one said anything, and people did ask, but it seems as if I had a hand out, and I cringed every time I saw it, so out it goes.

Lastly tonight, I want to thank everyone who wrote with Andrea stories big and small.
I know she was loved, but Jack doesn't, so I'll print out each one and save them for him.

Enjoy your weekend.



  1. stan, I sent the info on to several people who asked about the "Jack Fund" and if you could just keep the address up that would be great. Or email it to me and I will keep a copy which I should have done...
    Andrea was touched by the idea of the fund and told me that was so important to her and what a better way to honor her. We talked at length about this and she was surprised and humbled by it all... please try and leave it up. Sorry, I should have written earlier... all the love in the world, Barb

  2. I totally agree, it doesn't seem like a handout it seems like a way to pay tribute to you both!

    I also like the idea of printing all these notes out and keeping all the cards that folks sent to Andrea - such an outpouring of love!


  3. "How did you get into this organization" lol loved it. I'm so glad we got to hang with you and Andrea and get to know you better this past year. Parties at Linda's, hanging by the pool at the club, Tom Sawyer. You and Andrea were just so inviting and lovely. Thanks for these updates, you're in our thoughts,

    Many hugs

  4. Andrea would have a good laugh at those comments too. Thank you for letting me visit on Thursday, It was my first time alone with her and I felt like it was finally my chance to say goodbye on a good note while she could still talk and laugh.

    Stan you have been so amazing throughout. Trust your instincts about what is best for Andrea and your family. There is no right or wrong way to go through this. No regrets. You can repost the college fund when the time comes for us to mourn and pay tribute to our beloved Andrea.

    We're all hanging on to your every word though so don't neglect the blog!

  5. Hi Stan,

    My mom just sent me your blog. Thank you so much for keeping us up to date. I have been thinking about you guys so much. I hate to think of what Andrea, and you and Jack (and Harriet and Stef....and everyone) are going through. I don't know what the link you had up for a college fund was but I think it is a really wonderful idea and I will help you with it if you want my help at all. I am a fundraiser. We can make it happen! I love you guys and wish we were all sitting around the livingroom, eating turkey and laughing about old Highland stories.

