Monday, March 16, 2009

The Longest Day

Andrea lasted longer than I did today. She started out the day with a visit from Linda and a shower, then visited with Liz and Gabe before they went off to the Getty Villa, then Nancy arrived and Judy an hour later. The gals visited, had lunch (nothing for Andrea) and helped Andrea with some insurance issues. At that point I took a nap, but Andrea lasted until 5:30 or so. She is sleeping now (at 6:15pm) and I suspect she will sleep until tomorrow morning. I helped a couple clients briefly and got some badly needed lawn mowing and housework in, so I'll sleep better, too.

That's it. Nothing awful, nothing great happened today, although I think it's great when Andrea has a good day. Hope you did as well.



  1. Andrea, I am so grateful for the alone time spent with you on Sunday...truly priceless. I love, adore, and appreciate the beautiful indivdual that you are. Like I've said before you are the best mother I could've ever hoped and prayed for, for Jack.

    Stan- Thank you for allowing me some alone time with Andrea. You are truly awesome, Andrea and I liked the bunny hop number you did when she called you into the room:)

    Thank you to everyone there who watched the boys so that Andrea and I could talk, giggle, and cry.

    Please let Liz, Gabe, and Jack know that Fabian has been asking me all day if we could go to Jack's house again. He really took a liking to Liz and Gabe, so much so that he told Matias last night that he needed him to pack his bag so he could go to
    "Mars-chew-sue-its" (Massachusetts)

    Love the three of you so very much,

  2. Andrea,
    I know how you like a good joke. And, you know that all I’m good for are corny one or two-liners. So.....

    This baby seal walks into a bar (yes, walks). The bartender asks, "What'll you have?"
    The baby seal replies, "Anything but a Canadian Club!"

    A bear walks into a bar and says, “Give me a beer..........and some peanuts.”
    The bartender replies, “Why the big pause?”

    A priest, a rabbi, a lawyer, a redneck, a blonde and a dog walk into a bar.
    The bartender says, “Wait, is this a joke?”

    I hear you laughing!

  3. It is good to have these connections with Andrea right now. Though I only met her a year or two ago and was just getting to know her better this year, I miss her and it is so wonderful to hear that her laughter is still ringing through the halls.

    Our thoughts are with you all,

    Sara, Cole and Jesse

  4. okay, thanks bobG I might actually be able to remember the seal joke!! I can hear her laughing too! : )
