Monday, March 9, 2009

Monday Blues

7:30 and we made it through another day.

The day began slowly, with Andrea weak and fighting nausea. She was mentally tired as well, from the strain of day after day fighting nausea, weakness, swelling (her left leg is considerably larger) and pain. The weakness has gotten serious. At one point today Andrea was on the floor of the bathroom dealing with dry heaves. When she tried to get up she could not manage by herself, a new development.

Dr. Vielma could not come today to address the swelling and broken G-tube stitch, but he will be here first thing in the morning. In the meantime I have the tube taped tightly and immobile (with the help of an invention that yesterday's nurse said I should patent). We'll see, lol.

We had a visit from longtime friend Nancy Friedman to look forward to, but we knew, and Nancy knew, that much of the time she was here Andrea would just be sleeping. And that's what happened. Late in the day Andrea got out of bed and walked into the kitchen, a rare occurrence lately. Andrea said she wanted to push the limits (or something similar).

It is very hard to hear Andrea on the phone, so anyone who calls can expect to hear little more than whispers and a mostly one-sided conversation. I'd love to have her get her voice back, but it may not happen.

Cards continue to come in the mail everyday. Thanks to all who wrote. We also got the weekly disability check from the insurance company today, a minor highlight of our week. In hindsight, we wish Andrea had gone on disability earlier, but she liked her work and her clients and was functioning almost normally right up until the last hospital admittance. The only thing abnormal was her taking to bed almost as soon as she got home in the last couple months. I know it was a big disappointment to Andrea that she could not work with her old boss Vince, who started the a week or two after she left.

Jack had a playdate today and was happy about that. I put off today's work for another day and finished cleaning out the closet I started on yesterday. Talk about satisfying work!

Good night all.


1 comment:

  1. Stan: You are a Prince. Thank you for taking the time and effort to keep us all connected. Hope the soup worked out well.

    Steph, Harriot, and Joyce: Thank you for sharing your precious Andrea time with Bob and me.

    Erich, Barb and Andrea: It was a pleasure.

    Jack: You are awesome at playing the Indiana Jones computer game. Thanks for letting me play with you.

    Wendy: We saw your book at Stan and Andrea's and the article regarding you and said book in the PI. You are anything but are a talented and loving individual.

    Andrea: You are with me every day and it makes me smile...such a gift and I love you for it.

    Big hug to all, Nina
