Wednesday, March 18, 2009


Hi, All.

I had a headache yesterday evening and went to bed at 8:30 without writing anything. I'm better now.

Yesterday was another good day and a busy one. Andrea thinks the Ritalin is making a difference, giving her more energy. Andrea had nice visits with Lisa Durkin, Linda and Curt, Steph, Tammy, Olivia and Liz and Gabe at different times. Nurse Harriet came by, too.
I don't think Andrea napped, but she did sleep for a few hours in the evening.

Today is officially a no-visitor day. The phone rang a lot this morning, but we have it turned off in the bedroom. Andrea is sleeping now (noon). Last time I saw her she was looking at photos Gabe took at Jack's T-Ball game and during a visit to Jack's class.

Andrea said something funny during her last visit with Liz. The two were talking about the loving relationship (outwardly, anyway!) Andrea and I have and Liz started to tear up, whereupon Andrea remarked "I love to make people cry" and they both had a good laugh.

More later.

Okay, It's later. 9 o'clock, to be precise

Andrea had time and energy to go online and check our finances today (a favorite thing to do), so I put her in the wheelchair and brought her to the office. A series of events conspired to make the time less than satisfying, but she made the effort and went back to bed, fielding a long series of phone calls from while supine. Most of the rest of the day passed uneventfully, though the dry heaves were back this evening on a couple occasions. Even so, it was an okay day. We did get word of a special award being given Andrea tomorrow morning by a representative of the APALA, (an association of the printing world) so we have that to look forward to, plus a string of guests. I'll keep you posted.


  1. In the words of my hero, Bart Simpson: "When I gets to fiddlin', I just takes my Ritalin" (sung to the tune of Popeye the Sailor Man of course). So great to speak with Andrea yesterday. Seemed like old times, having her to talk with. Always in love, Diane

  2. Stan
    Thank you so much for keeping this blog. I don't know how you do it amidst all that is going on, but bless you.

    Greetings from your second favorite city---Portland. Guess what? It's raining. Basically March = Rain and does April, May, June...But when the sun comes out of how it sparkles. Like you with your laugh. I can hear it echoing in my head right now. My thoughts are with you. You are simply the best.

  3. Glad you are feeling better Stan. You need to take time out for yourself too! I only checked the blog 100x this morning waiting for an update.

    I have the APALA Lifetime Achievement Award to give Andrea. I know she was embarassed by this but it's just a token of how much she is loved by everyone in our industry--plus she doesn't have to give a speech!

    Please let me know if I can stop by tomorrow morning. I hate to bother you with a phone call.

  4. Stan, My brother Andy let me know what's going on. I haven't talked to Andrea in a long time but have great memories of working with her at Graphic Arts Center. (Those were the days!).

    Please tell Andrea hello for me and please ask her if she would say hello to Pat for me?

    Much love to you both,
