Saturday, March 21, 2009

Cloudy Skies Today...

Hello, Again.

It's been a difficult day for Andrea. She vomited at 5am and a couple times later in the day, so the fight against nausea and pain continues. Problem is, we may be running out of ammunition. Pain is under control at the moment (via a dilaudid suppository when the methadone didn't help), but we're waiting on a call back from the hospice doctor about the nausea. Based on our last conversation with him, I suspect there aren't many drug options remaining. The only relief comes from sleep via Ativan. I just gave an Ativan pill that would dissolve quickly in the average person's mouth, but her mouth is so barren of moisture that it came out whole after a couple minutes. If you tried to talk with Andrea over the phone, you know that her dry mouth condition has made it hard to understand her, and sips of water only help for a short time. Actual drinking would worsen the nausea, unfortunately.


The word from Dr. Vielma is more Ativan tonight as needed and then Dexy-something will be delivered tomorrow. That's the "D" substance in the BRD suppository already being taken. I sure hope it works.

So as not to leave you on too bleak a note, a quick Jack story: This morning he asked if a tooth could come out for a dollar. I asked him if he had a loose tooth, but he said "no". I laughed and assured him there were many other ways to get a dollar.

I thought he had a good time at today's T-Ball game (he seemed very happy and all the emphasis is on fun), but he still says he doesn't like baseball. Hmmmm.

Good Night.


  1. love, love all our love to you Stan, Andrea, Jack, Stephanie, Olivia, Harriet, and to the rest of your family and friends. This is the first thing I read, the 2nd, the third and last. Please tell Andrea I am there with her soul to soul - but I know it is hard for her to talk, and I cringe whenever I hear the phone ringing on your end - knowing I could be waking her, or one more distraction for you Stan. But lemme tell ya - I am So There. xxxxooo

  2. I was there yesterday for about three hours; perhaps I got the only three decent hours it seems, and despite it all, there were moments of the Andrea we all know and love.
