Friday, March 20, 2009

TGIF (?)

I'm becoming sympathetic to the writers from the Washington Post and New York Times who made up stories. When it's a slow news day (or the equivalent at 512 La Loma Rd.), I start to think that my readers will become bored and drop off one by one. Back when I had to choose stories for a television newscast, I had to select which stories from the newswires to use. Today's selection would look like the following.

- Former boss Larry Moses visits; leads Andrea through an entertaining conversational hour.
- Bags of Jolly Ranchers delivered; watermelon the hit flavor.
- T-Ball practice game a success; skinned knee hobbles first baseman.
- Nurse Linda visits; bad perfume on predecessor subject of discussion.
- Liz and Gabe return to Massachusetts amidst tears and laughter

--- Break ---

I walked away from the computer for an hour to make dinner for Jack and attend Andrea, who wanted to try a little food. We ran some mac and cheese through the Cuisinart, resulting in a glue-like paste that was not a success. Tried pureeing peaches, but I ended up with peach nectar. By the time I finished doing that Andrea
was in some discomfort/pain and no longer interested in food. Her stomach is bloated and the skin is balloon tight, almost certainly from the tumor. Also, I am now noticing a purplish rash that I didn't see earlier today. So things are going downhill quickly tonight. I gave some pain medication and suspect our gal is out for the night.

Jack is watching The Incredibles ("I've been thinking about them all day"). I'll fold some laundry, have some dinner and try not to think about the growing mass inside Andrea's mid-section that is making her skin painful to the touch. Even blankets can be uncomfortable. How quickly things go from lightness to dark. May tomorrow bring a return of lightness. We can always increase pain meds, but we don't want Andrea in a stupor, either. So that's how it is here: one hour at a time, one day at a time...


  1. Dearest Stan, Jack and sweetest Andrea, love, love, love and a hopefully a peaceful night to you all.xoxoxo cj

  2. You said it all, as did CJ. Sweet dreams bring peace tonight. Love like a river to you,
    Wendy & the Wahs

  3. My dearest, dearest loves,
    How I wish peace and comfort for you all in your day and in your dreams. Were it only as easy to aid emotional pain as it is physical. Such a fine line between light and dark, night and day...

    You are in my heart and my mind every minute of every hour of every day.

    All my love,

  4. Stan, you have more hits than my brother at I wasn't kidding when I said we are hanging on your every word.

    Just when I get lulled into denial thinking thoughts like, it's the same Andrea, she's just in bed now, you jar me into the harsh reality of her struggle. I hope tomorrow still brings lightness and laughter into 512 La Loma. I can't think of much else.

  5. I wish you were making this story up but my heavy heart is in my throat contemplating the reality of it. It must be quite a dance you have to perform to balance the level of meds but I can't bear the thought of her suffering with such pain.
    Love coming your way from Diane and Roberto.
