Thursday, March 19, 2009

Thursday Night Update

Darn those dry heaves. We got Andrea to bed last night with the help of some drugs, but she woke at 2am and had another episode. It was over fairly quick, but only because I got a half tablet of Atavan in her. She was sleeping soundly at 5am, so instead of waking her I used the eye dropper to give her the usual dose of methadone between her open lips. I didn't wake her at 7 for Ritalin, with the result that she slept until noon. I woke her up just a few minutes prior to a visit with Paul V. They had a nice visit while I made a quick run to Trader Joes. Later in the day long time friend Meredith stopped by, and 2nd cousin Chris Leavens (a talented artist and teacher) with very pregnant teacher/wife Adriana. Andrea slipped into another nap somewhere along the way, which was fine.

Liz and Gabe made a lovely dinner, with Steph, Eric and Olivia gracing our table. I wheeled Andrea out to join us for an hour or so before she tired and asked to return to her hospital bed in the living room. We had coffee there, lots of laughs and yet another go at the containers of luscious frozen custard sent from Wisconsin by the generous Steph Raasch. I think we're down to 5 containers.

And thus one more day passes. With any luck Andrea will sleep through the night and get the usual dose of ritalin to help boost her system through the day's guests. We'll be sorry to see Liz and Gabe go, but it's been another great visit. Gabe took some amazing photos, which we hope to post here soon. He shoots raw images instead of jpegs, which make it harder to swap easily, otherwise they'd be on this screen already. But it will happen.

Good Night / Good Morning



  1. You are such a good writer Stan. Thank you so much for continuing to keep us up to date on Andrea. I performed at the Firefly tonight and sang several of the songs right to Andrea.

    Be well and take care,

  2. So many people have commented to me on how "addicted" they are to your blog. Count me in that company! You're amazing, Stan.
