Friday, March 27, 2009


The name Friday comes from the Old English frigedæg, meaning the day of Frige the Anglo-Saxon form of Frigg, a West Germanic translation of Latin dies Veneris, "day (of the planet) Venus." However, in most Germanic languages the day is named after Freyja—such as Frīatag in Old High German, Freitag in Modern German, Freyjudagr in Old Norse, Vrijdag in Dutch, Fredag in Swedish, Norwegian, and Danish—but Freyja and Frigg are frequently identified with each other.

The word for Friday in most Romance languages is derived from Latin dies Veneris, "day (of the planet) Venus" (a translation of Greek Aphrodites hemera) such as vendredi in French, venerdì in Italian, viernes in Spanish, and vineri in Romanian. In most of the Indian languages, Friday is Shukravar (or a derived variation of Sukravar), named for Shukra, the Sanskrit name of the planet Venus. In other Indo-European languages the day is not related to the planet Venus. Russian uses an ordinal number for this day of the week-- piatnítsa, meaning "fifth." Similarly, the Portuguese is sexta-feira, the sixth day. ....

Okay, lesson over. This IS Friday, so I don't see how anyone could possibly accuse me of padding this post. Actually, I'm stalling. I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but this day did not start out well. I better just get on with it. Andrea woke with a lot of pain in her chest, which got worse when she took a deep breath. I gave her a bigger dose of methadone and a dilaudid, but she still was in quite a bit of pain for hours. In addition, she said her shoulderblade hurt. I decided we need to get her out to the hospital bed in the living room for a change of scenery, a different mattress, a more easily adjustable bed and a kind of air bed that uses a pump to stimulate parts of the body in waves or something so as to reduce the chances of getting bed sores. Moving Andrea was a short ordeal, but we used a wheelchair and I enlisted Lynne's help to get her moved without extra pain. And there she lies now, talking with Judy and Mary Ellen, but for how long I'm not sure. She seemed kind of dopey to me a few minutes ago.

A nurse came by a little after noon and checked on Andrea. She didn't have any explanations for the pain, but did take notes to give to Dr. Vielma (also known as Dr. Issac). We'll see what develops . I'm about ready to fall asleep, but I have to go get Andrea's car from the dealership and coach T-Ball at 4:30. Maybe I can fall asleep for a few minutes...

More later.

Today did not start or


  1. It's unbearable to read and my heart is with Andrea and all you wonderful care-givers who have to witness our girl suffering. I know you will continue to do all you can to minimize her pain. Please give her a kiss from me. Love Diane.

  2. Dearest Stan, Andrea, Jack, Steph and Olivia,
    Your stamina and strength amaze me. Sweet thoughts of comfort and love to you all. xoxoxo cj (Steve & Bryce, too!)

  3. I thought I'd add a note about my visit with Andrea yesterday-friday-day5--vendredi...

    While Andrea was pretty groggy, she was still Andrea. Good, old taking care of her friends, Andrea. I got there around 1:45 and stayed until about 5:45. She kept asking, do you want anything, do you need anything. Oh, you know you are going to hit terrible traffic now...

    So despite all, she is still her loving, considerate, and humourous self. Every day with her is a blessing and amazement.

    Love to all, Judy
