Saturday, March 14, 2009


Hi, Everyone.

It's a pleasure to write for such a receptive audience. Thanks for all the nice comments you passed on. Okay, okay I will post info on Jack's Coverdell college fund account in the next few days. You'll have to send the checks to us instead of directly to TIAA-CREF, so I can allocate them to 2008 or 2009.

Andrea is doing very well today and in good spirits. She was cracking up Harriet this morning and had a laughter filled hour or so with my sister Liz and Gabe before we went off to Jack's T-Ball game. And, judging by the smiles on cousin's Alison and Susan face, their visit after we left was a great one also. Steph and Olivia were here for that, then all four went to lunch. Andrea slept for a couple hours and rested for another two. I am getting ready for dinner and a little more visiting this evening before Andrea's bedtime, which varies from 4pm to 8pm, depending how she feels.

I'm off to unload the dishwasher and make some pizzas, and don't say you're not jealous!


Sat 11PM

Had a nice evening with Steph and Eric and Liz and Gabe. I got Andrea into a wheelchair for the first time and wheeled her out for a good part of the dinner.She didn't eat or drink anything, but she appreciated being there and just getting out of the bedroom for awhile. Unfortunately, she vomited before going to bed, but it was over fairly quickly and she went to sleep soon after taking half an Ativan tablet.

Birthmom Lily and her two boys are stopping by tomorrow for a brunch playdate. Lily has been great, calling almost every day to check on Andrea. One of the nicest things she ever said to Andrea was that she has no regrets about placing Jack with us, even with the cancer. I can't think of the right way to say how amazing that is.

More visits are in store later in the day, but everyone seems aware how tired Andrea gets now, so we'll work things out somehow. I know several people want to see her and are just waiting for the right time, so I hope we can schedule a few more visits
this week and then give Andrea a day off.

Thanks again for all the comments.



  1. Dearest Stan,
    Sounds like a super fun night - we have decided to have pizza for dinner, too, in solidarity!. The blog is like a lifeline - thank you for this. We are loving you all, all the time. xxoxox - CJ

  2. I have tried to post a comment, but have been unable to get through. Thanks, Stan, for being such a loving husband, father, and friend. You have made the past couple of months bearable.
    I love you,

  3. smiles from over the mountains and through the woods -- so glad for a good visit for everyone, and the words from Lily. That is gold.
    Please plant a special soft spot kiss on Andrea and Jack for me, Stan. And a neck rub for you.
    Love to all,

  4. My thoughts don't stray far from my dear friends in Glendale. So glad to hear laughter is still a key ingredient in the that effect, please consider sharing the following story with Andrea...Picture me skiing last Friday, on a perfectly sunny, perfectly groomed, fast snow day. Contrary to earlier misgivings,black diamond runs become my oyster in these rare conditions. Or, so I think.

    Here I am streaming down this unfamiliar steep. No one in sight, I sweep from side enjoying it all, when toward the bottom, what's this?? It looks like a 3 foot drop off straight ahead and I envision myself flying off and landing with a crack of 54 year old bones. Quick decision,vere to the left off a slightly smaller embankment and POW! Slide face first into a, thankfully, small tree,
    equipment flying in every direction. A classic garage sale...goggles and hat off and over there. One ski tip down in the snow, 10 feet up hill from the scene, the other ski, tip up, 5 feet downhill. Poles helter skeleter about me, one 1/2 buried in the snow. Glasses are bent and one lens has popped out into the snow. The first sensation is the fragrance of Balsam from the injured tree, then, not pain, but a slight throb just above the right eye. Pick myself up, bend the glasses back, pop in the lens, brush myself off, gather the goods and re-apply them. Off down the hill to my waiting son. We finished the perfect ski day and I took home my black eye trophy. Slow down? Not a chance!

    Stan, if you re-send the college fund info to me, I will post it for you on the site, so you don't have to.

    Love to all, One-eyed Neen

  5. Dear Stan, Judy let me know about your blog, and I am very grateful to receive all your difficult news. I am so glad Andrea, and all of you, had such a good day yesterday. Please give Andrea a hug of love for me. You are all an inspiration. Much love, Dory
