Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Early Morning Comment

Good morning.

I hadn't looked back at the comments for several days, but just did. I'm happy to learn that this modest venue and my matter-of- fact writing is actually working out well, so thanks for all your comments.

Everyone seems to like the photo of Andrea I chose, which is great. I too think it captures her beauty and personality perfectly. It was taken last Summer at Yosemite. Now why would someone be dressed up wearing pearls and a black dress at Yosemite? Melinda knows, because we were either on the way to her wedding in the Park, or had just come from it.

From happy memories of the past I now fast-forward to the less than happy present. We had an unfortunate episode in the night. Andrea got up to go to the bathroom, lost her balance and somehow fell into the bath tub. She hit her head on the shower chair and was embarrassed, but no real damage was done, thankfully. It was a sobering moment. I will be hesitant to leave the house now unless someone strong enough to help her up is here.


  1. I wish I was there to put my gym time to good use... it sounds like Andrea needs someone there all the time, and she can't holler out to you – and you can't be with her every minute, sweet Stan. Maybe someone can come in to stay more time with her. Wishfully, a friend or family, but maybe a strong cute latino guy...;-) !
    love from us every day, Wendy & Joe

  2. Carrie had a hospice caregiver (male) just standing by for hours at a time so please know that service is available. You have Jack to deal with and your own well-being to consider and as hard as this is to hear about, it must be hellish to live. Please give her our love love love. Broken-hearted Diane & Roberto

  3. Sorry to hear about the fall! I am available if you need someone to stay with her...just say the word stan, I know you will need a break too. Feel free to sign me up!! I have lots of time off comin! AND I am a night owl... :)
    I also like the cute latino guy idea...good one wendy! send you strong arms and lots of love, Barb

  4. I do think you could ask the hospice for volunteers that might help you out - "spell you for a while" that is what they're there for. They could just sit in her room and help her up when needed. I'll be there next Monday to do that too.

    It was painful but beautiful to see Andrea yesterday - while she is fading, her beauty and insight and love is still strong.

    Stan - you are the greatest, I had posted another comment but somehow it didn't come through. I just want to acknowledge, both for myself and for Andrea how she couldn't have done this without you!


  5. Thank you so much for doing this, Stan.  I'm very grateful to be able to be in the loop in a way that is lesat burdensome for you.  I am sending love to all of you, and wishing I could transport myself to you without being in the way, to lay my hands on Andrea's feet, give you a massage, play catch with Jack (I love the baseball shot you posted!) and to tell you in person how striking you all are in your grace and strength and beauty.  Love always, Emily

  6. Dear Stan,

    I've been traveling and had no idea how things had progressed. Please send Andrea my love, I'm so sorry to hear that things have gone in this direction, poor baby. I wish you strength and love, and hope for Andrea's comfort. Thank you so much for keeping us all in the loop, and remember that you and your family are loved. All my love to you, Sarah
