Sunday, March 22, 2009


I just put some brown rice on to cook and that takes about 40 minutes, so maybe I can put that time to good use. (There's frozen Tikka Masala slowly thawing and warming in the double boiler, by the way, a gift from a visiting friend and reader--and you know who you are)

If Sunday is a day of rest, Andrea is getting it. She's been sleeping or dozing most of the day and is again as I write. The good part is that Andrea hasn't thrown up all day. The bad part is that she woke somwhere between 1 and 2 last night and felt nauseous again. She went back to sleep after chewing another Ativan. Sometime around 7:30 she woke and we had a conversation mostly with gestures that told me she wanted to use the toilet. I helped her over to the toilet, but she couldn't keep her eyes open, couldn't talk and seemed to have some odd twitching motion and a balance problem. She couldn't even drink from a bottle with a sports top, so I started to think something serious was going on. A mini-stroke, or heart malfunction or something odd. I got her back to bed and back to sleep, but the whole experience was a little unerving and I called off three visits today as a result of Andrea's diminished capacity to interact with others.

Perhaps Ativan causes something similar to hallucinations because early this morning she asked me who won the costume contest last night. Then she asked if Melinda had left yet (she wasn't here), and another time asked me to make some changes to the type in the box. I said I would, lol.

Andrea took a double dose of ritalin this morning, but it doesn't seem to have given her any get-up-and-go. Maybe the doctor has another suggestion.

Steph and Eric, Joyce and Harriet stopped by for lunch, which was nice. Harriet has developed the habit of emptying her wallet every other day for provisions, or imagined provisional needs. We could probably do quite nicely for two weeks on what is in the fridge and freezer, though.

That's it for today. Have a good evening.


PS: Just for the heck of it I posted a photo of Jack playing with his design blocks and one of Andrea's APALA award.


  1. Stan,

    I hope you enjoyed the chicken tikka masala (and yes, I know who I am). The drugs could be causing the hallucinations or it could be her body irrespective of the drugs. I'm so glad you have such wonderful support. I wish I was nearer.


  2. Stan and Andrea,
    I'm sorry for the rough night. Please let Andrea know that I'm thinking about her too, even if I'm only there in twilight. I miss talking to her everyday and that great smile, and especially her laugh. Those fantastic gab-away-the-afternoon lunches are much missed as well. Whenever "men" became the topic at these lunches, Andrea's words about you ranged anywhere from "Intelligent" to "worldly" to "very funny" to, of course "Prince". She is truly lucky to have someone so caring there with her. It eases my mind a little that in such a hard situation she has you looking after her :)

    Love to the whole family,

  3. stan, we continue to hold you in our thoughts and hearts every day. i am so glad l + g could have that time with you two (and the family). i am sad not to be able to be there and help out and kiss andrea one more time. but the love and affection she communicated in our last phone call will carry me through. you are very, very good to her. please don't neglect yourself in all of this! big giant hugs from chilly normandy. we all love you all.

  4. Stan, Not a day goes by I don't think of you and Andrea. The picture of you toasting at New Years sits on my desk.
    Tell Andrea we love her. We love you too.
    Can you stand another visit from me this week? If yes, I'll fly down Wednesday with Tina who has to take her mother to the doctor.

  5. Hi Stan...
    As always Andrea, Jack and you are in my prayers. Jack looks gorgeous in that pic...then again I think he does in all his pictures. I had a little chat with Matias on Saturday after we hung up, if you're intrested in his reaction give me a call. Let Andrea know how much I love her and pray for her to be comfortable at all times.
    Much love to you all,
